How to be a great internal marketer

Also: The most clever cold outreach we’ve seen in a long time.

GM, and welcome back to Marketing Qualified. It’s hard to believe Q1 is almost over! We hope you hit your KPIs, and if not, at least Q2 is a fresh slate. Here’s what we’ve got for you today:

  • How to be a great internal marketer. Four tips to consider.

  • The most clever cold outreach we’ve seen in a long time. Sending “2 cents” through PayPal.

🤝 How to be a great internal marketer.

The best marketers in the game know one important thing…

Internal marketing is just as important as external marketing.

After all, if you can’t even sell your ideas internally, how can you expect a prospect to hand over their hard-earned dollars?

The ability to get buy-in and support from your team, other departments, and company leadership is a crucial skill for marketers. But unfortunately, it’s not one that gets talked about a lot.

So here are a few ideas to help you become an internal marketing pro.

1) Start an internal newsletter.

We’re big fans of sending newsletters (obviously 😉).

A lot of companies send an external newsletter. Very few send an internal one.

But, more companies should because there are a lot of reasons internal newsletters are great. They:

  • Keep everyone informed.

  • Help showcase and distribute new content.

  • Provide everyone with a consistent message — no games of telephone where essential details get left out.

  • Keep everyone updated on how goals are tracking.

  • Provide a place to highlight wins.

Just like you need to keep your brand top of mind with prospects, marketing teams need to work to stay top of mind with coworkers.

A newsletter gives you a medium to have frequent touch points and regularly remind colleagues (especially execs and the finance department) about how successful and effective marketing is. This groundwork will come in handy when budgeting season comes around!

We recommend sending an internal newsletter weekly, but if that’s too much, try monthly. Sending something is better than sending nothing. But try to pick a schedule and stick to it. This keeps information flowing consistently and trains people to know what to expect.

If email newsletters aren’t for you, consider sending out a weekly video summary instead. It doesn’t have to be fancy or high-production, but make sure it’s fun and entertaining. Otherwise, no one will watch or pay attention.

2) Meet with Sales weekly.

Many people hate to hear this, but as marketers, it’s our job to make the Sales team’s job easier.

One way to do this is to have rock-solid communication.

Every week, you should share new content to help them sell and update them on anything new you’re testing.

In exchange, they should share feedback and updates on how conversations and deals progressed that week.

Creating a continuous feedback loop cuts down on tension and gives everyone the information they need to make adjustments to messaging and strategy.

3) Present to the whole company monthly.

The internal newsletter we mentioned above keeps teams updated on the day-to-day, but this monthly update should show the big picture.

Share the big wins and highlight where things went wrong and how you’re course correcting. It’s important to have transparency.

A company all-hands meeting is the best place to do this.

4) Have more one-on-one conversations.

Get in the habit of speaking to more people one-on-one. Especially people in other departments.

This allows you to ask questions and get an outsider's perspective. You’ll start to uncover issues you didn’t know about so that you have a chance to help fix them.

It gives others a chance to share their ideas and feedback and feel heard. It also allows you to explain the WHY behind certain goals, decisions, or strategies.

All of these things combined create all kinds of efficiencies.

The bottom line is that most people feel more comfortable speaking candidly in one-on-one conversations compared to group settings. Yes, one-on-one conversations aren’t the most efficient, but they’re the only way to get the REAL story.

📰  In the news this week.

🥇  Why are so many B2B firms sponsoring the Olympics?

📈  The rise of the position-less marketer.

📱  Teens aren’t the only ones with a screen time problem.

👀  9 ways to optimize your company’s LinkedIn page.

👏 The most clever cold outreach we’ve seen in a long time.

Marketing is all about finding ways to stand out and get people to pay attention.

Marketers have to be clever and constantly coming up with new creative ideas.

This week, we came across the most clever outreach idea we’ve seen in a very long time — sending their “2 cents” in a cold message via PayPal.

Why is this so genius?

1) Open rate.

The open rate for this campaign is probably 100%. If you get a PayPal payment notification, you’re opening it.

Plus, if you don’t transfer the money out of your wallet, PayPal sends a series of reminder emails, meaning the recipient gets reminded of the message several more times. More touches = more better.

2) It’s novel.

How many cold emails have you gotten this week alone? How about cold LinkedIn connection requests?

Our money is on dozens.

How many cold PayPal payments have you received?


This is an extremely unique approach. Will it be everyones cup of tea? Of course not. Like with any cold outreach, some people will find it annoying.

But even more people will respect the hustle and look into what the agency is offering. Or at the very least, their curiosity will be piqued enough that the brand gets a name recognition boost out of it.

3) It builds credibility.

Using PayPal for cold outreach is extremely clever and creative. It shows that this agency knows how to capture attention and stand out. Two things that are extremely important on TikTok.

This company is trying to win clients for their TikTok services and they’re demonstrating from the get-go that they have the skills necessary to be successful on that platform.

😂 Marketing meme of the week.

meme 63

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